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Is Dharma Works for You?

Perhaps you’ve heard a little about Buddhism, and are curious to know more. Maybe you’re a long-time practitioner, looking for a sangha to support your practice. Whatever drew you to this website, we invite you to join us at one of our regular gatherings. These are online at the moment; contact us through the form at the bottom of this page for the information you’ll need to log in. We look forward to meeting you, and to including you in our ongoing exploration of the profound and liberating Dharma.


Where/When Do We Meet?

Current pandemic conditions have moved our weekly gatherings online. We typically meet via Zoom and spend our first half-hour meditating together. Then Wood gives a talk—currently, on one of the lojong, or mind training, slogans—and we finish up with discussion (often lively!).
We miss our real-time, real-place gatherings, of course; but the upside of the online environment is that you can join us from literally anywhere in the world. To be a part of our sangha gatherings, fill in the contact box below, and we’ll send you a link. We’ll be glad to see you!

Recommended Resources
We Western Dharma practitioners enjoy a wealth of study resources in the form of books, magazines, and online audio and video teachings. The resources listed on the linked page reflect the inspiration of our lineage, as represented by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Pema Chödrön. Both teachers are prolific authors, so these lists are far from complete. Search their names online to find more titles. The other teachings suggested here are among those that our sangha has found helpful and supportive.

More Resources

Weekly Zoom Gatherings

Join us for our weekly sangha meeting on Zoom at 6 PM every Sunday evening. Click below to hear recordings of previous talks.


We’re fortunate to have access to many excellent Dharma books. The few featured here represent a more or less random selection of those we’ve found particularly helpful. The emphasis on Chögyam Trungpa’s and Pema Chodron’s books reflects the inspiration of our lineage.

Private Dharma Counseling

Dharma counseling is a form of personal support based on Buddhist insights, ethics, and practices. Our teacher, Jennifer Woodhull, has an active Dharma counseling practice. Please indicate in the “message” space of our contact form that you would like to explore this possibility.